“Absorption As A Way of Seeing” @ Pearl Lam Galleries
Featuring works:
Gonkar Gyatso, Luke Heng, Kim Tschang-Yeul, Li Tianbing, Studio Swine,
Sinta Tantra, Thukral & Tagra, and Kenny Wong
Exhibition Dates:
27 August – 10 September, 2018 Monday–Saturday, 10am–7pm
This group exhibition reflects on our absorption of an artwork through looking at it and contemplates the link between materiality, time, and memory in order to acknowledge the ontological potential of art itself.
In his 1967 seminal essay “Art and Objecthood”, art historian Michael Fried investigates ways to perpetuate the viewing experience of art. Fried proposes that artworks are “more than objects”; specifically, the experience of art does not rely on the object on view alone, but also the way in which we partake in “the entire situation” and embrace the very object within our field of vision. Objecthood is defined as the conditions that entice viewers to look consciously and to engage with an object. In short, the way we look at an artwork becomes an integral part of the object itself.