20161.6m(W) x 0.5m(L) x 3.7m(H)
Metal, Micro-Computer, Custom Software, LCD Panel, Microcontrollers, Custom Electronics, Motor.
The work is inspired from the moment of intimacy in eye contact and the indefinite variables in relationships.
“dist.” – the short form of distance or district. It is also a term widely used for mathematical and programming terminology for distance calculation. In this work, it represents as both relational and mathematical distance.
We encounter momentary connections with people in our everyday lives. We synchronize and repel with one another from time to time. Attachment and detachment; the rhythmic dance as well as chaotic crash between the two create a metaphor for the momentary, temporary relationship that exists between them.
The work involves kinetic intervention of the pendulum movement as well as the combination of digital sensors. The custom software generate random position of the unbalanced weight, hence the rhythms of swings are always indefinite. The work and the digital screen intentionally combine the rational and irrational rules, dynamic time, expressing the artist’s personal feeling towards human relationship in his current time.
There will be two sets of pendulums in the series “dist”, “dist.solo” and “dist.duo”. “dist.solo” focuses on the relationship between the viewer and a singular pendulum, while “dist.duo” has two pendulums which focus on the relationship between the two identical machines.
金屬,微電腦,定制軟件,LCD 屏,微控制器,定制電子,電機。
“dist” – 是距離的簡稱 。它也是廣泛用於距離計算的數學和編程術語。在這作品中,它代表了人際關係和數學的距離。
這項作品涉及鐘擺運動的動力學和及數字傳感器的組合。定制軟件隨機決定可移動重量的位置,改變平衡,因此擺動的節奏總是不規律的。機械和LED 屏幕有意地結合理性和非理性規則,以不斷變幻的節奏, 表達藝術家當時對人際關係的個人情感。
“The furniture we are forever rearranging”, Montreal, Canada
ISEA 2016 @ Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong
- 2016 – The Interstitial: Alan Kwan and Kenny Wong Two-Person Exhibition, Pearl Lam Galleries SOHO, Hong Kong
- 2016 – “The furniture we are forever rearranging”, Grey Nuns Building, Montreal, Canada
- 2016 – “ISEA 2016 – Juried Exhibition” , Run Run Shaw Creative Media Centre, Hong Kong
- Maryam Esbah